


一、packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberClassUpdateQueue.js initializeUpdateQueue()

export function initializeUpdateQueue<State>(fiber: Fiber): void {
const queue: UpdateQueue<State> = {
baseState: fiber.memoizedState,
firstBaseUpdate: null,
lastBaseUpdate: null,
shared: {
pending: null,
lanes: NoLanes,
hiddenCallbacks: null,
callbacks: null,
fiber.updateQueue = queue;

二、packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberClassUpdateQueue.js createUpdate()

export function createUpdate(lane: Lane): Update<mixed> {
const update: Update<mixed> = {

tag: UpdateState,
payload: null,
callback: null,

next: null,
return update;

三、packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberClassUpdateQueue.js enqueueUpdate()

export function enqueueUpdate<State>(
fiber: Fiber,
update: Update<State>,
lane: Lane,
): FiberRoot | null {
const updateQueue = fiber.updateQueue;
if (updateQueue === null) {
// Only occurs if the fiber has been unmounted.
return null;

const sharedQueue: SharedQueue<State> = (updateQueue: any).shared;

if (__DEV__) {
if (
currentlyProcessingQueue === sharedQueue &&
) {
const componentName = getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber);
'An update (setState, replaceState, or forceUpdate) was scheduled ' +
'from inside an update function. Update functions should be pure, ' +
'with zero side-effects. Consider using componentDidUpdate or a ' +
'callback.\n\nPlease update the following component: %s',
didWarnUpdateInsideUpdate = true;

if (isUnsafeClassRenderPhaseUpdate(fiber)) {
// This is an unsafe render phase update. Add directly to the update
// queue so we can process it immediately during the current render.
const pending = sharedQueue.pending;
if (pending === null) {
// This is the first update. Create a circular list.
update.next = update;
} else {
update.next = pending.next;
pending.next = update;
sharedQueue.pending = update;

// Update the childLanes even though we're most likely already rendering
// this fiber. This is for backwards compatibility in the case where you
// update a different component during render phase than the one that is
// currently renderings (a pattern that is accompanied by a warning).
return unsafe_markUpdateLaneFromFiberToRoot(fiber, lane);
} else {
return enqueueConcurrentClassUpdate(fiber, sharedQueue, update, lane);

四、packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberClassUpdateQueue.js processUpdateQueue()

export function processUpdateQueue<State>(
workInProgress: Fiber,
props: any,
instance: any,
renderLanes: Lanes,
): void {
didReadFromEntangledAsyncAction = false;

// This is always non-null on a ClassComponent or HostRoot
const queue: UpdateQueue<State> = (workInProgress.updateQueue: any);

hasForceUpdate = false;

if (__DEV__) {
currentlyProcessingQueue = queue.shared;

let firstBaseUpdate = queue.firstBaseUpdate;
let lastBaseUpdate = queue.lastBaseUpdate;

// Check if there are pending updates. If so, transfer them to the base queue.
let pendingQueue = queue.shared.pending;
if (pendingQueue !== null) {
queue.shared.pending = null;

// The pending queue is circular. Disconnect the pointer between first
// and last so that it's non-circular.
const lastPendingUpdate = pendingQueue;
const firstPendingUpdate = lastPendingUpdate.next;
lastPendingUpdate.next = null;
// Append pending updates to base queue
if (lastBaseUpdate === null) {
firstBaseUpdate = firstPendingUpdate;
} else {
lastBaseUpdate.next = firstPendingUpdate;
lastBaseUpdate = lastPendingUpdate;

// If there's a current queue, and it's different from the base queue, then
// we need to transfer the updates to that queue, too. Because the base
// queue is a singly-linked list with no cycles, we can append to both
// lists and take advantage of structural sharing.
// TODO: Pass `current` as argument
const current = workInProgress.alternate;
if (current !== null) {
// This is always non-null on a ClassComponent or HostRoot
const currentQueue: UpdateQueue<State> = (current.updateQueue: any);
const currentLastBaseUpdate = currentQueue.lastBaseUpdate;
if (currentLastBaseUpdate !== lastBaseUpdate) {
if (currentLastBaseUpdate === null) {
currentQueue.firstBaseUpdate = firstPendingUpdate;
} else {
currentLastBaseUpdate.next = firstPendingUpdate;
currentQueue.lastBaseUpdate = lastPendingUpdate;

// These values may change as we process the queue.
if (firstBaseUpdate !== null) {
// Iterate through the list of updates to compute the result.
let newState = queue.baseState;
// TODO: Don't need to accumulate this. Instead, we can remove renderLanes
// from the original lanes.
let newLanes = NoLanes;

let newBaseState = null;
let newFirstBaseUpdate = null;
let newLastBaseUpdate: null | Update<State> = null;

let update: Update<State> = firstBaseUpdate;
do {
// An extra OffscreenLane bit is added to updates that were made to
// a hidden tree, so that we can distinguish them from updates that were
// already there when the tree was hidden.
const updateLane = removeLanes(update.lane, OffscreenLane);
const isHiddenUpdate = updateLane !== update.lane;

// Check if this update was made while the tree was hidden. If so, then
// it's not a "base" update and we should disregard the extra base lanes
// that were added to renderLanes when we entered the Offscreen tree.
const shouldSkipUpdate = isHiddenUpdate
? !isSubsetOfLanes(getWorkInProgressRootRenderLanes(), updateLane)
: !isSubsetOfLanes(renderLanes, updateLane);

if (shouldSkipUpdate) {
// Priority is insufficient. Skip this update. If this is the first
// skipped update, the previous update/state is the new base
// update/state.
const clone: Update<State> = {
lane: updateLane,

tag: update.tag,
payload: update.payload,
callback: update.callback,

next: null,
if (newLastBaseUpdate === null) {
newFirstBaseUpdate = newLastBaseUpdate = clone;
newBaseState = newState;
} else {
newLastBaseUpdate = newLastBaseUpdate.next = clone;
// Update the remaining priority in the queue.
newLanes = mergeLanes(newLanes, updateLane);
} else {
// This update does have sufficient priority.

// Check if this update is part of a pending async action. If so,
// we'll need to suspend until the action has finished, so that it's
// batched together with future updates in the same action.
if (updateLane !== NoLane && updateLane === peekEntangledActionLane()) {
didReadFromEntangledAsyncAction = true;

if (newLastBaseUpdate !== null) {
const clone: Update<State> = {
// This update is going to be committed so we never want uncommit
// it. Using NoLane works because 0 is a subset of all bitmasks, so
// this will never be skipped by the check above.
lane: NoLane,

tag: update.tag,
payload: update.payload,

// When this update is rebased, we should not fire its
// callback again.
callback: null,

next: null,
newLastBaseUpdate = newLastBaseUpdate.next = clone;

// Process this update.
newState = getStateFromUpdate(
const callback = update.callback;
if (callback !== null) {
workInProgress.flags |= Callback;
if (isHiddenUpdate) {
workInProgress.flags |= Visibility;
const callbacks = queue.callbacks;
if (callbacks === null) {
queue.callbacks = [callback];
} else {
// $FlowFixMe[incompatible-type] we bail out when we get a null
update = update.next;
if (update === null) {
pendingQueue = queue.shared.pending;
if (pendingQueue === null) {
} else {
// An update was scheduled from inside a reducer. Add the new
// pending updates to the end of the list and keep processing.
const lastPendingUpdate = pendingQueue;
// Intentionally unsound. Pending updates form a circular list, but we
// unravel them when transferring them to the base queue.
const firstPendingUpdate =
((lastPendingUpdate.next: any): Update<State>);
lastPendingUpdate.next = null;
update = firstPendingUpdate;
queue.lastBaseUpdate = lastPendingUpdate;
queue.shared.pending = null;
} while (true);

if (newLastBaseUpdate === null) {
newBaseState = newState;

queue.baseState = ((newBaseState: any): State);
queue.firstBaseUpdate = newFirstBaseUpdate;
queue.lastBaseUpdate = newLastBaseUpdate;

if (firstBaseUpdate === null) {
// `queue.lanes` is used for entangling transitions. We can set it back to
// zero once the queue is empty.
queue.shared.lanes = NoLanes;

// Set the remaining expiration time to be whatever is remaining in the queue.
// This should be fine because the only two other things that contribute to
// expiration time are props and context. We're already in the middle of the
// begin phase by the time we start processing the queue, so we've already
// dealt with the props. Context in components that specify
// shouldComponentUpdate is tricky; but we'll have to account for
// that regardless.
workInProgress.lanes = newLanes;
workInProgress.memoizedState = newState;

if (__DEV__) {
currentlyProcessingQueue = null;