


Single-Spa-Vue 负责为 Vue 应用生成通用的生命周期钩子,这些钩子函数负责子应用的初始化、挂载、更新(数据)、卸载

import "css.escape";

const defaultOpts = {
// required opts
Vue: null,
appOptions: null,
template: null

* 判断参数的合法性
* 返回生命周期函数,其中的mount方法负责实例化子应用,update方法提供了基座应用和子应用通信的机会,unmount卸载子应用,bootstrap感觉没啥用
* @param {*} userOpts = {
* Vue,
* appOptions: {
* el: '#id',
* store,
* router,
* render: h => h(App)
* }
* }
* return 四个生命周期函数组成的对象
export default function singleSpaVue(userOpts) {
// object
if (typeof userOpts !== "object") {
throw new Error(`single-spa-vue requires a configuration object`);

// 合并用户选项和默认选项
const opts = {

// Vue构造函数
if (!opts.Vue) {
throw Error("single-spa-vue must be passed opts.Vue");

// appOptions
if (!opts.appOptions) {
throw Error("single-spa-vue must be passed opts.appOptions");

// el选择器
if (
opts.appOptions.el &&
typeof opts.appOptions.el !== "string" &&
!(opts.appOptions.el instanceof HTMLElement)
) {
throw Error(
`single-spa-vue: appOptions.el must be a string CSS selector, an HTMLElement, or not provided at all. Was given ${typeof opts

// Just a shared object to store the mounted object state
// key - name of single-spa app, since it is unique
let mountedInstances = {};

* 返回一个对象,每个属性都是一个生命周期函数
return {
bootstrap: bootstrap.bind(null, opts, mountedInstances),
mount: mount.bind(null, opts, mountedInstances),
unmount: unmount.bind(null, opts, mountedInstances),
update: update.bind(null, opts, mountedInstances)

function bootstrap(opts) {
if (opts.loadRootComponent) {
return opts.loadRootComponent().then(root => (opts.rootComponent = root));
} else {
return Promise.resolve();

* 做了三件事情:
* 大篇幅的处理el元素
* 然后是render函数
* 实例化子应用
function mount(opts, mountedInstances, props) {
const instance = {};
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
const appOptions = { ...opts.appOptions };
// 可以通过props.domElement属性单独设置自应用的渲染DOM容器,当然appOptions.el必须为空
if (props.domElement && !appOptions.el) {
appOptions.el = props.domElement;

let domEl;
if (appOptions.el) {
if (typeof appOptions.el === "string") {
// 子应用的DOM容器
domEl = document.querySelector(appOptions.el);
if (!domEl) {
throw Error(
`If appOptions.el is provided to single-spa-vue, the dom element must exist in the dom. Was provided as ${appOptions.el}`
} else {
// 处理DOM容器是元素的情况
domEl = appOptions.el;
if (!domEl.id) {
// 设置元素ID
domEl.id = `single-spa-application:${props.name}`;
appOptions.el = `#${CSS.escape(domEl.id)}`;
} else {
// 当然如果没有id,这里会自动生成一个id
const htmlId = `single-spa-application:${props.name}`;
appOptions.el = `#${CSS.escape(htmlId)}`;
domEl = document.getElementById(htmlId);
if (!domEl) {
domEl = document.createElement("div");
domEl.id = htmlId;

appOptions.el = appOptions.el + " .single-spa-container";

// single-spa-vue@>=2 always REPLACES the `el` instead of appending to it.
// We want domEl to stick around and not be replaced. So we tell Vue to mount
// into a container div inside of the main domEl
if (!domEl.querySelector(".single-spa-container")) {
const singleSpaContainer = document.createElement("div");
singleSpaContainer.className = "single-spa-container";

instance.domEl = domEl;

// render
if (!appOptions.render && !appOptions.template && opts.rootComponent) {
appOptions.render = h => h(opts.rootComponent);

// data
if (!appOptions.data) {
appOptions.data = {};

appOptions.data = { ...appOptions.data, ...props };

// 实例化子应用
instance.vueInstance = new opts.Vue(appOptions);
if (instance.vueInstance.bind) {
instance.vueInstance = instance.vueInstance.bind(instance.vueInstance);

mountedInstances[props.name] = instance;

return instance.vueInstance;

// 基座应用通过update生命周期函数可以更新子应用的属性
function update(opts, mountedInstances, props) {
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
// 应用实例
const instance = mountedInstances[props.name];
// 所有的属性
const data = {
...(opts.appOptions.data || {}),
// 更新实例对象上的属性值,vm.test = 'xxx'
for (let prop in data) {
instance.vueInstance[prop] = data[prop];

// 调用$destroy钩子函数,销毁子应用
function unmount(opts, mountedInstances, props) {
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
const instance = mountedInstances[props.name];
instance.vueInstance.$el.innerHTML = "";
delete instance.vueInstance;

if (instance.domEl) {
instance.domEl.innerHTML = "";
delete instance.domEl;
